European Accident Report: Easily documenting accidents abroad
Whether minor or major damage, an accident puts most drivers under stress. If you don't understand the other party in the accident because you don't speak their language, you come under additional pressure. With the European Accident Report (PDF), drivers who have an accident abroad can quickly and easily record the course of the accident and the damage to the car. Experience has shown that this accelerates the settlement of the claim by the insurance company.
Download: The accident report to print out yourself

Download: European Accident Report (PDF)
Tip: Take the translation aid to the European Accident Report with you
What does "overtaking" mean in Spanish? Or "came from the right" in Czech or Portuguese? Probably only a few people can answer these questions. For this reason, there is a translation guide for the European Accident Report, which the parties involved in the accident fill out together. It makes it possible to document the course of the accident regardless of the language, because the structure and content of the accident report are always identical.
In the translation aid, the European Accident Report is translated into eleven languages: English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian and Russian.
Good to know in case of accidents abroad
Every insurer in Europe has appointed claims representatives in each EU member state. For example, if you are the victim of a traffic accident in Italy, you can contact the claims representative of the Italian insurance company in Germany.
What information is included in the accident report?
After an accident, the following applies: Fill out an accident report that is signed by all parties involved - preferably also in the event of an accident in Germany. The easiest way to do this is with the European Accident Report. The other parties to the accident can fill out the form together, each in their native language. The parties involved enter the following relevant information in the accident report, among others:
- Place and time of the accident
- Names of the drivers and witnesses
- Information on the respective vehicles (brand, license plates) and their insurance. The Green Card helps with proof of insurance.
- Course of the accident
- Visible damage to the vehicle
How do those involved in the accident handle the completed form?
The parties involved sign the jointly completed accident report. After that, they have two options:
- You take a photo of the form with your smartphone - so everyone involved has a copy of the accident report.
- The other parties to the accident complete the accident report in duplicate and then exchange the copies attached to the translation aid.
Order the European Accident Report
You can order individual copies of the European Accident Report and the translation aid free of charge from the GDV Consumer Service by telephone or e-mail:
Hotline: 0800/33 99 399 (free of charge)
Zentralruf der Autoverversicherunger: Determine the car insurance of the other party in the accident
The Central Call of Car Insurers determines where the person who caused the accident and his vehicle are insured. For all vehicles insured abroad, Zentralruf determines the responsible claims adjuster of the foreign motor insurance company in Germany.
The quickest and most convenient way is to report the damage to the Zentralruf der Autoverversicherungen while still at the scene of the accident. There, all data is recorded and forwarded to the responsible insurer.
Zentralruf also helps motorists if the insurance of the other party involved in the accident is not known. Report the damage immediately, but no later than within a week, to your own motor vehicle liability insurance, even if you believe that the other party is responsible for the accident. Many insurers now offer their customers mobile claims services.
Telephone (from Germany): 0800 – 250 260 0 Telephone
(from abroad; Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.): 0049 (40) 300 330 300
Internet: Simply use the online enquiry form to determine the opposing motor vehicle liability insurance.
Good to know: Calling the Zentralruf der Autoverversicherungen does not replace reporting a claim to the insurance company.
source : European Accident Report: Order and download for free (